I’m too [insert word here] to do CrossFit

One of the most common phrases we hear as trainers when talking to potential members is “I’m too [insert word here] to do CrossFit.” Spoiler alert: you are not too [anything] to do CrossFit. Here are a few of the most common [insert words here] that keep people from trying CrossFit and why they shouldn’t stop you.

I’m too [out of shape/overweight] to do CrossFit.

I’m too [nervous/scared] to do CrossFit.

I’m too [embarrassed] to do CrossFit.

I’m too [unathletic] to do CrossFit.

I’m too [broke] to do CrossFit

I need to start with simple things and get in shape to start CrossFit. I need to practice and workout at home before I come and do it in front of other people. Everyone will be looking at me and know I’m not good. I’ve never done sports, I am not competitive. I have to work out with a bunch of people who know what they’re doing when I have a fitness level of 0.

Here is why none of that should keep you from CrossFit.

You will learn. No one is expecting you to walk into the gym with the know-how or ability to execute the movements. Luckily at CrossFit Torrent, new members go through 3 one-hour Elements Classes. This is how you and your coach get to know each other and establish your goals. During these classes, you will learn the 9 fundamental movements of CrossFit, some CrossFit lingo, and try a few workouts so you are ready to head into regular classes with confidence! Remember these are functional movements. Movements you use every day just varied by degree not kind. Don’t worry, everyone was nervous when they started.


Everything is scalable. Every class will be lead by a knowledgeable coach who will start by teaching you the basics and fine tune as you progress. Every person in the class has something to fix. The coach will cue everyone at least once during the 60-minute WOD (Workout Of the Day.) Your coach will help choose the correct weight and movements so you and your classmates finish the workout at the same time. Look at the mock wod below. As you can see we have the same basic movements for every athlete but each scale is tailored to the personal needs and abilities. Scaled appropriately the RX athlete will finish very closely to athlete 4. For this reason, you DO NOT need to get in shape before you come to CrossFit and you DO NOT need to think people will judge your abilities. Every person in the gym has something they are working towards. Anne getting her first pull-up will be just as exciting as Dave running an entire mile. Not convinced? Check out this great read from the CrossFit Journal about taking the leap. 

Rx (as prescribed) Athlete 2 Athlete 3 Athlete 4
3 rounds for time 3 rounds for time 2 rounds for time 2 rounds for time
400m run

15 pull-ups

9 thrusters (135#/95#)

400m run

9 pull-ups

6 thrusters (115#/75#)

400m run

15 ring rows

9 thrusters (95#/65#)

200m run/walk

15 ring rows

9 thrusters (35#/15#) squatting to a box



The community will support you. Top shape or out of shape walking into a gym of people you don’t know, playing loud music, lifting heavy weights and doing crazy gymnastics is intimidating. Everyone was once in your position so staff and members do their best to make you feel welcomed! It would be weird for you to walk into a CrossFit gym and not have a few members introduce themselves. They are excited that you’ve decided to become part of the family and will support you lifting 300 lbs or 3 lbs as long as you’re trying your best and giving your all. And that’s easy to do when you have a support team every class!


You will start to prioritize health. $135 per month for an unlimited membership. CrossFit Torrent offers classes 6 days per week. If you come 5 days per week in a 30 day month that’s roughly $5 per class. Five dollars to have your workout programmed, coaching guidance, nutritional advice, equipment, and facility. You have the community to hold you accountable. You will find that you want to come every day compared to the once or twice you go to your standard gym. You will also start eliminating bad habits, cutting out sugary food and drink, and dial in your nutrition. Cooking at home instead of eating out every day can easily offset the expense of your membership and help you eat healthier. You aren’t going to get that from a standard gym. The comment below was found on this article in the CrossFit Journal and it perfectly describes the magic of a CrossFit community. 

“From a consumer standpoint (i.e. no intention of making it a business) I was surprised at the difference in price from the gym I attended for seven years before being introduced to a Box less than a year ago. However, I now attend a Box 5 days a week as opposed to the old gym I would try to squeeze in once or twice every couple of weeks – that benefit alone is worth the price to me. However, when you throw in committed instructors that care about form, safety, technique and overseeing that you are building a foundation of fitness I’ve found my Crossfit Box to be priceless. I can read and understand WODs, but having someone correcting, coaching, assisting with diet, and implementing a WOD so that you derive the benefit you should be getting from it will cost you extra outside a Box. Take the same gym of $50.00 per month, throw in personal instruction of around $50.00 per session, and a someone to guide your diet – before long you have coordinated at least two different appointments and you are well above the typical monthly expense of attending a Box. In my journey, albeit brief compared to others, I have zero motivation to go back to a gym and my Box is a committed line-item in my personal budget.”-Sam Taylor

Please leave a comment about your experience starting CrossFit and words of encouragement for those who are a bit hesitant to start.

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