May Athlete of the Month: PAIGE BLINKIEWICZ

How long have you been with CrossFit Torrent and what made you decide to start? 

I started at CrossFit Torrent in September 2020 and I decided to start because I needed to get back into a good workout routine.

What do you do when you’re not at CFT? 

I work in a biology lab at WMU as a grad student studying genes responsible for hearing loss in mice. I also love to spend time with my dog, Stella.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

I had always watched the CrossFit games on TV and figured I would like it, so it was just a matter of actually doing it. Now that I have started, I knew it was right from the beginning.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?

I don’t really remember, but I was probably thinking about how out of shape I was. 

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement?

My favorite movement are squats and my least favorite movement is running.

What is the one thing you have done at CFT that you never thought you would do?

I would say probably double unders. I am not the most coordinated person so I didn’t think I would be able to do them.  

What motivates you during a tough workout? 

I like make goals for myself within each workout and then I make sure that I reach that goal, whether it is a time or a certain number of reps.  

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit? 

My favorite thing about CrossFit is that the workouts are so different each day, which makes working out a lot more fun. I also like being challenged to be better each day. 

How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Torrent? What impact has CFT had on you in and out of the gym? 

One of the reasons I finally decided to start CrossFit is because exercising is a huge stress reliever for me so I would say mentally I am less stressed. In terms of physical fitness, I am finally starting to get back to my where my strength was before.

Do you have any advice for people just getting started at CFT?

I would say to just jump right in and start and not just think about it for a while like I did.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat Meal: Ribs, Mac and Cheese, and Cornbread

Favorite Musician/Band: Early 2000s rap

Favorite Sports Team: Detroit Red Wings

Favorite Tv Show/ Movie: Chicago Shows (Fire, Med, PD)

Coaches Comments:

We love our Paige!! Paige started with us last September and she really hit the ground running. In these 8 months she has gotten her very first pull-up, completed in the CrossFit Open, smashed several PR’s and consistency shows up 5 days a week! Paige comes to class with a hunger to be better and never fails to put her all into her training. She actively pursues her goals by staying after class, doing personal training and attending seminars. She has been an excellent addition to the Torrent family and we cant wait to see what she does next!


Name: Ken Holda

I’m a pediatric speech-language pathologist and Certified Orofacial Myologist at Bronson and I work mostly with 2-5 year olds on developing communication skills and feeding skills. In my free time, I am a theatre actor and director in town. I love to travel, cook, and plan parties.

How long have you been with Crossfit Torrent and what made you decide to start?

I started at Torrent in January of 2020 when my friend, Kristin, invited me to participate in a 30 day challenge. I’ve been interested in CrossFit for a long time and this seemed like a good way to try it out.

When did you realize CF was right for you?

I realized during the CrossFit workouts that it was really the first time I enjoyed exercising. I had worked out at another gym for about 14 years and had three different personal trainers there over the years. I just got so bored doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps of things. I wanted to be more active and have more variety and that is exactly what CrossFit offered.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?

I was probably just relieved that I survived.

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement

I am loving all of the gymnastics movements.  I also like the dumbbell power snatch.

What is the one thing you have done at CFT that you never thought you would do?

I never thought I’d be competing in athletic events.  I walked into the Valentine’s Day competition last year “just to watch” and ended up on a team.  I was so proud of myself for going out on a limb and competing 6 weeks after starting CrossFit.  Everyone is so supportive so it was easy to jump in and try.

What motivates you during a tough workout?

Support from the coaches motivates me.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?

I like that anyone can participate no matter what their skill level is. I like that everyone encourages and supports everyone else.

How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Torrent? What impact has CFT had on you in and out of the gym?

I know I’m getting stronger. I’m becoming more disciplined. I have never been so motivated to work out. It may surprise people, but I think I’m pretty shy and reserved. I think CrossFit has made me come out of my shell a little more. When I started, I said to my friends, “I want to go do the workouts, but I don’t think I’m going to talk to people or participate in any social events there” and look at me now! LOL. Team Captain for the Open and making friends with everyone.

When you’re not CrossFitting what is your favorite thing to do?

I like to travel and act.

The one tip you’d give someone who is thinking about starting CrossFit or just started?

If you’re interested, just jump in and try. Don’t wait. Don’t be intimidated. This is truly for anyone and you’ll be so glad that you put yourself out there and did this.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat Meal: Nachos or pizza
Favorite CrossFit Athlete:
I don’t know any CrossFit Athletes!  All the coaches at Torrent!

Coaches comments:

A fantastic gymnast, better dresser. Ken always brings 110% to everything he does! We love his competitive fire and motivation to get better every day. He is humble, coachable, shockingly flexible, kind, so welcoming to everyone in the community, and can hula like there’s no tomorrow. It’s a good day when Ken walks into our class! We are so grateful to have you Ken!

“I’m too old to workout.”

Author: Karie Patzer

Topic: longevity/quality of life

“I’m too old to workout.”

“I can’t lift weights at my age.”

“NO WAY, these old knees won’t let me squat.”

Sound familiar? WHY should you start or stop at a certain age? You still need to walk up stairs, carry laundry, unload groceries, lift heavy containers for holiday decorations, clean your house, mow your lawn, pick up your kids/grandkids/niece/nephew….so why stop…or why not start?

There are PLENTY of reasons to eat healthy and workout. Our goal and focus is to show people how to have a healthy quality of life mentally and physically. To inform you what to eat, to move the correct way to avoid injury, strengthen your muscles so if you fall, you can get back up. To be able to live free of medications due to poor health.

We all understand the older we get, the harder it is to do some things. But what is amazing to see is what you CAN do that day. Comparing what you used to be able to do can be a downfall and set your mind and ambition into a more negative state.

There have been so many great examples in just our gym alone that show age is just a number. We have members who started after they retired and feel more healthy now than they have in the last 30 years!

You just have to find out for yourself what you can do now to stay independent later. We can all relate that it can be challenging, that’s why we do this together.

Photo by Anna Shvets on

March 2021 Athlete of the Month! Camden McDonald

Name: Camden McDonald Age: 22

How long have you been with CrossFit Torrent and what made you decide to start?
I joined in October 2020 when gyms started to open back up. I found Torrent, ironically when I dropped a packaged off at the UPS store and walked in on a class that Grant was running. I recently cancelled my membership at Planet Fitness because I was getting no results doing the same 3 workouts there. After my free class at Torrent, I realized this place was different and could really challenge me, which I loved.

What do you do when you’re not at CFT?

Outside of CrossFit I am wrapping up my final semester at WMU double majoring in Sales & Business Strategy, I am a realtor for RE/MAX Executive in Allegan, and I spend lots of time with the dog Waldo, who I rescued this summer from Animal Rescue Project in Portage. 

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

I realized CrossFit was right for me because of 1.) the Community surrounding the sport, 2.) the constantly varied workouts (haven’t done the same workout since joining, which is awesome!), and 3.) always having room to grow either improving a PR, form, or moving up in skill level for certain movements. 

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?

How do people do this 5+ times a week?! 

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement?

Favorite = Pull up (SOON Kipping Pull ups) | Least = overhead squats

What is the one thing you have done at CFT that you never thought you would do?

All the Olympic lifts

What motivates you during a tough workout?

Knowing I will be better than the Cam from the day before – Plus the amount of Calories I get to eat to refuel my body (big food guy)

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?

The community of individuals all coming together to push each other to be the best versions of themselves and create friendly competitions

What are your short term and long term goals?

Short term goals: Obtaining my kipping toes to bar, kipping pull ups, and my double under

Long term goals: Walking hand stand, be a healthy 185lbs, and do body muscle ups

How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Torrent?

Yes! Since joining I’ve gained 7 pounds, constantly setting new PRs, and mentally stronger at times of fatigue to keep chugging

Do you have any advice for people just getting started at CFT?

Don’t be afraid to ask coaches questions/help, Don’t under estimate what your body is capable to do, and to stay curious – come out of every workout learning something new (about yourself, how to improve form, or get to know a classmate.)

Quick Questions
Favorite Cheat Meal: Give me a big bowl of orange chicken and rice  
Favorite Tv Show/ Movie:
Favorite Show: Shark Tank, Movie: Grown Ups
Favorite CrossFit Athlete:
Only one I follow is Mat Fraser 

Coaches Comments:

Cam has been an awesome addition to the Torrent family! He completed his elements back in October and has made impressive improvement since then. His positivity and willingness to learn makes coaching him so fun. He not only takes recommendations from the coaching staff, but actively seeks them out. He is always looking to get better. Cam represents Torrents core values to a tee, he is humble, driven and has thrown himself into the community head first! We are so lucky to have you Cam!!!

Feb 2021 Athlete of the Month- Michelle D.

Name: Michelle Age: 50 From: Kalamazoo, Mi

How long have you been with CrossFit Torrent and what made you decide to start?
About 2 ½ years. I have have been doing CrossFit for about 6 years off and on. I decided to start CrossFit because of the one hour workouts.

What do you do when you’re not at CFT? I am probably working or just hanging out with family and friends.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you? I like the high intense cardio mixed with Olympic barbell weight lifting.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD? I’m glad it’s over

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement?

My favorite movement burpees. My least favorite movement is the snatches.

What is the one thing you have done at CFT that you never thought you would do?
Learned how to do double understand, pull ups, and kipping hand stand push ups

What motivates you during a tough workout?
Watching all the other athletes during the workout. It motivates me to become faster and stronger.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit? The support and encouragement that you receive from your coaches and all other athletes.

What are your short term and long term goals? One of my short term goals is to learn how to do a bar muscle up. Long term goals is make crossFit a long time commitment.

How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Torrent? What impact has CFT had on you in and out of the gym? I have learned how to over come injuries while at CrossFit Torrent.

Do you have any advice for people just getting started at CFT?

CrossFit can be accomplished at any age and size.

Quick Questions
Favorite Cheat Meal: Steak and fries
Favorite Tv Show/ Movie: Anything with comedy
Favorite CrossFit Athlete: Camille Leblanc
Coach’s comment: Michelle is BY FAR our most improved athlete. She came to Torrent with a basic understanding of movements and has flourished! Her form and ability to hit the desired workout goal or stimulus has improved immensely. It’s great when we can see a member develop mentally, physically and personally. Things are not always easy for Michelle and she has been determined to put in the work to accomplish her goals. It’s always fun with Michelle in your class! She has over come adversity and is still one of our most consistent members. Michelle is also the QUEEEN of the Holiday Rowing Challenge. It is not uncommon to see Michelle here for HOURS from Thanksgiving to Christmas to crush her rowing goals. We can be heard saying to Michelle “Good choice in scaling. Make it challenging.” This proves we’ve come a long way! We are so proud of you, Michelle, and the way you’ve improved over the 2 years with us. Glad to have you as part of the Torrent Family.