Feb 2021 Athlete of the Month- Michelle D.

Name: Michelle Age: 50 From: Kalamazoo, Mi

How long have you been with CrossFit Torrent and what made you decide to start?
About 2 ½ years. I have have been doing CrossFit for about 6 years off and on. I decided to start CrossFit because of the one hour workouts.

What do you do when you’re not at CFT? I am probably working or just hanging out with family and friends.

When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you? I like the high intense cardio mixed with Olympic barbell weight lifting.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD? I’m glad it’s over

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement?

My favorite movement burpees. My least favorite movement is the snatches.

What is the one thing you have done at CFT that you never thought you would do?
Learned how to do double understand, pull ups, and kipping hand stand push ups

What motivates you during a tough workout?
Watching all the other athletes during the workout. It motivates me to become faster and stronger.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit? The support and encouragement that you receive from your coaches and all other athletes.

What are your short term and long term goals? One of my short term goals is to learn how to do a bar muscle up. Long term goals is make crossFit a long time commitment.

How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Torrent? What impact has CFT had on you in and out of the gym? I have learned how to over come injuries while at CrossFit Torrent.

Do you have any advice for people just getting started at CFT?

CrossFit can be accomplished at any age and size.

Quick Questions
Favorite Cheat Meal: Steak and fries
Favorite Tv Show/ Movie: Anything with comedy
Favorite CrossFit Athlete: Camille Leblanc
Coach’s comment: Michelle is BY FAR our most improved athlete. She came to Torrent with a basic understanding of movements and has flourished! Her form and ability to hit the desired workout goal or stimulus has improved immensely. It’s great when we can see a member develop mentally, physically and personally. Things are not always easy for Michelle and she has been determined to put in the work to accomplish her goals. It’s always fun with Michelle in your class! She has over come adversity and is still one of our most consistent members. Michelle is also the QUEEEN of the Holiday Rowing Challenge. It is not uncommon to see Michelle here for HOURS from Thanksgiving to Christmas to crush her rowing goals. We can be heard saying to Michelle “Good choice in scaling. Make it challenging.” This proves we’ve come a long way! We are so proud of you, Michelle, and the way you’ve improved over the 2 years with us. Glad to have you as part of the Torrent Family.