Name: Ken Holda

I’m a pediatric speech-language pathologist and Certified Orofacial Myologist at Bronson and I work mostly with 2-5 year olds on developing communication skills and feeding skills. In my free time, I am a theatre actor and director in town. I love to travel, cook, and plan parties.

How long have you been with Crossfit Torrent and what made you decide to start?

I started at Torrent in January of 2020 when my friend, Kristin, invited me to participate in a 30 day challenge. I’ve been interested in CrossFit for a long time and this seemed like a good way to try it out.

When did you realize CF was right for you?

I realized during the CrossFit workouts that it was really the first time I enjoyed exercising. I had worked out at another gym for about 14 years and had three different personal trainers there over the years. I just got so bored doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps of things. I wanted to be more active and have more variety and that is exactly what CrossFit offered.

What were your thoughts after your first WOD?

I was probably just relieved that I survived.

What is your favorite or least favorite WOD/movement

I am loving all of the gymnastics movements.  I also like the dumbbell power snatch.

What is the one thing you have done at CFT that you never thought you would do?

I never thought I’d be competing in athletic events.  I walked into the Valentine’s Day competition last year “just to watch” and ended up on a team.  I was so proud of myself for going out on a limb and competing 6 weeks after starting CrossFit.  Everyone is so supportive so it was easy to jump in and try.

What motivates you during a tough workout?

Support from the coaches motivates me.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?

I like that anyone can participate no matter what their skill level is. I like that everyone encourages and supports everyone else.

How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Torrent? What impact has CFT had on you in and out of the gym?

I know I’m getting stronger. I’m becoming more disciplined. I have never been so motivated to work out. It may surprise people, but I think I’m pretty shy and reserved. I think CrossFit has made me come out of my shell a little more. When I started, I said to my friends, “I want to go do the workouts, but I don’t think I’m going to talk to people or participate in any social events there” and look at me now! LOL. Team Captain for the Open and making friends with everyone.

When you’re not CrossFitting what is your favorite thing to do?

I like to travel and act.

The one tip you’d give someone who is thinking about starting CrossFit or just started?

If you’re interested, just jump in and try. Don’t wait. Don’t be intimidated. This is truly for anyone and you’ll be so glad that you put yourself out there and did this.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat Meal: Nachos or pizza
Favorite CrossFit Athlete:
I don’t know any CrossFit Athletes!  All the coaches at Torrent!

Coaches comments:

A fantastic gymnast, better dresser. Ken always brings 110% to everything he does! We love his competitive fire and motivation to get better every day. He is humble, coachable, shockingly flexible, kind, so welcoming to everyone in the community, and can hula like there’s no tomorrow. It’s a good day when Ken walks into our class! We are so grateful to have you Ken!