“I’m too old to workout.”

Author: Karie Patzer

Topic: longevity/quality of life

“I’m too old to workout.”

“I can’t lift weights at my age.”

“NO WAY, these old knees won’t let me squat.”

Sound familiar? WHY should you start or stop at a certain age? You still need to walk up stairs, carry laundry, unload groceries, lift heavy containers for holiday decorations, clean your house, mow your lawn, pick up your kids/grandkids/niece/nephew….so why stop…or why not start?

There are PLENTY of reasons to eat healthy and workout. Our goal and focus is to show people how to have a healthy quality of life mentally and physically. To inform you what to eat, to move the correct way to avoid injury, strengthen your muscles so if you fall, you can get back up. To be able to live free of medications due to poor health.

We all understand the older we get, the harder it is to do some things. But what is amazing to see is what you CAN do that day. Comparing what you used to be able to do can be a downfall and set your mind and ambition into a more negative state.

There have been so many great examples in just our gym alone that show age is just a number. We have members who started after they retired and feel more healthy now than they have in the last 30 years!

You just have to find out for yourself what you can do now to stay independent later. We can all relate that it can be challenging, that’s why we do this together.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com